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Mago Almanac Year 8 with Monthly Wheels
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (Volume 3 Number 2, 2024)

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Each individual essay is available as the Ebook for US$5.00. Order Here.
Happy 9th Anniversary to She Rises Trilogy
2023 Arrived!
Reader: Toward Magoist Cetaceanism by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
December 18, 2023
Ebook: US$10.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom)
Menstruators’ Planner with Monthly Wheels (13 Month 28 Day Calendar)
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S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (V3 N2, 2024) B/W Paperback: US$20.00 Ebook: US$10.00 (E-book for the minimum of 6 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (V3 N1, 2024)Ebook: US$10.00 (E-book for the minimum of 6 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (V2 N2, 2023) Ebook: US$10.00 (E-book for the minimum of 6 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (V2 N1, 2023) Ebook: US$10.00 (E-book for the minimum of 6 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (V1 N2, 2022) B/W Print Book: US$ 30.00 Ebook: US$10.00 (E-book for the minimum of 6 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (V1 N1, 2022) B/W Print Book: US$ 28.00 Ebook: US$10.00 (E-book for the minimum of 6 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess Main Book BW Paperback: $28.00 Ebook: US$10.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
Sectional Booklet Color Paperback: $24.00
The Myth of the Year: Returning to the Origin of the Druid Calendar
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Lessons from the Legends of the Salzkammergut: The Divine Feminine in Place and Time Ebook: US$5.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
Mago Almanac Planner for Personal Journey (Year 6) |
She Summons: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality? Volume 1 Ebook: US$5.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess (Main Book) Ebook: US$10.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia Ebook: US$10.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
She Rises: How… Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 2, Sectional Booklet Color Sectional Booklet ($38.00) Ebook: US$10.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
She Rises: How… Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 2, Main Book Ebook: US$10.00 (Read Only for the minimum of 3 months, extendable upon request to mago9books@gmailcom) |
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