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Numbers in parentheses indicate chapters.
Yia Alias is a Transpersonal Counsellor, Artist, Writer, Ceremonial Facilitator and Women’s Mystery Mentor. Her life is steeped in the Shamanic Path of connecting to the Soul of the Earth. “My Passion is to awaken a creative and sacred Art of Living by inspiring people to access and connect to their fullest potential, enabling them to integrate the past, heal the present and inspiration to embrace the future.” Her deepest learnings have been gathered from years of sitting in Circle, bearing Witness to the rich Wisdom and Stories from the many women she has shared space with. Her Vision is of a New Global Community, where all Life is held Sacred and Reverence is Recognised and Restored.
MARY ANN BEAVIS, PH.D. (Intro, 20)
Mary Ann Beavis (Ph.D., Cambridge, 1987) is Professor of Religion and Culture at St. Thomas More College, the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada). Her recent book, Christian Goddess Spirituality: Enchanting Christianity (New York: Routledge, 2016) explores the phenomenon of women who combine Goddess Spirituality and Christianity. She has also published several articles on the Mary Magdalene/Mary of Bethany tradition. She is both an editor and author of commentaries in the Wisdom series (Liturgical Press), the first full-scale, multi-volume feminist biblical commentary series. She participated in the Mago Pilgrimage to Korea in 2016, with Helen Hye-Sook Hwang and Anna Tzanova.
Carolyn Lee Boyd is a human services administrator, herb gardener, and writer whose work focuses on the sacred in the everyday lives of women. Her essays, short stories, memoirs, reviews and more have been published in numerous print and online publications. These include, among others, SageWoman, Matrifocus, and The Beltane Papers, and, more recently, Feminism and Religion and The Goddess Pages. You can read more of her work and contact her at her blog, www.goddessinateapot.com/.
Louisa Calio is an internationally published, award winning author and photo artist. She won: 1st Prize for “Bhari” fr.City of Messina, Sicily (2013),1st for “Signifyin Woman” Il Parnasso” Canicatti, Sicily (2017) was finalist for Poet Laureate, Nassau County, honored at Columbia Barnard as a Feminist Who Changed America( 19763-75 )etc. Directed Poet’s Piazza at Hofstra University for 12 years, she was a founding member and first Executive Director of City Spirit Artists, Inc. New Haven, Ct. Her latest book, Journey to the Heart Waters was published by Legas Press (2014). See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisa_Calio/.
Dr. Marie Cartier, author of the critically acclaimed Baby, You Are My Religion: Women, Gay Bars, and Theology Before Stonewall (Routledge 2013) is a senior lecturer in Gender and Women’s Studies and Queer Studies at California State University Northridge, and in Film Studies at Univ. of CA Irvine. She is also a published poet, playwright, accomplished performance artist, scholar, and social change activist. She is co-chair of Lesbian-Feminisms and Religion for the American Academy of Religion and co-chair at the regional level of Queer Studies in Religion, founder of the regional Queer Caucus, and a perma-blogger for Feminism and Religion.
Carol P. Christ, Ph.D. Yale, 1974, is a leading feminist theologian and a founding voices in the Goddess movement. Her books include Goddess and God in the World with Judith Plaskow, Rebirth of the Goddess, and A Serpentine Path. She leads the life-transforming Goddess Pilgrimage to Crete (www.goddessariadne.org). She lives in Greece and has run for office with the Green Party Greece.
MAYA DANIEL (30, 31, 32)
Maya Daniel is a pen name, living in the Philippines, in my 50s, and i am dishing out rebel poetry.
LIZ DARLING (21, 26, 50)
Liz Darling is a visual artist from Kansas. She earned her BFA at Pittsburg State University in 2010 and has worked as an art teacher since 2013. Deliberate and intricate, Darling uses watercolor to create precise compositions that often center on themes of spirituality, transience, the divine feminine, and the natural world.
Jayne DeMente, a Priestess in the Fellowship of Isis, received her MA in Women’s Spirituality from the California Institute of Integral Studies, S. F., CA. Her BA is from the University of Antioch, Los Angeles, CA, with an emphasis in Ethics. She founded Women’s Heritage Project, which creates events to offer grants or gifts to women students and her community. She published a textbook, “Feminine Reformation; a goddess meta narrative”. She has contributed poetry and articles to several anthologies and she was given the Enheduanna Award for writing. WHP is offering an online “mentorship” program beginning this fall, 2017.
Annie Finch is an American poet, author, and performer. A poet of nature, female identity, and earth-centered spirituality, Annie has published more than twenty books of poetry and poetics, most recently Spells: New and Selected Poems (Wesleyan University Press). Annie has performed her poetry and presented lectures and workshops on poetry and spirituality at gatherings and conferences including Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality, Where Womyn Gather, A Room of Her Own, and Emerging Women. She also teaches poetry-writing in the low-residency MFA program at St. Francis College. Annie is now completing a new book about living as a witch. More at anniefinch.com.
Susan Hawthorne is the author of eight collections of poetry, the latest of which is Lupa and Lamb (2014). Cow (2011) was shortlisted for the 2012 Kenneth Slessor Poetry Prize and Earth’s Breath (2009) for the 2010 Judith Wright Poetry Prize. She also has a verse novel Limen (2013) and most recently Dark Matters: A Novel (2017). In her work she explores myth, prehistory, ancient languages, physics and ecology. Her poems have been translated into Indonesian, German, Spanish and Chinese. She is Adjunct Professor in The College of Arts, Society and Education at James Cook University, Queensland, Australia.
Donna Henes is an urban shaman, contemporary ceremonialist, spiritual teacher, author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people since 1972. She has published four books, and writes for The Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI Religion and Spirituality Forum. A ritual expert, she serves as a ritual consultant for the television and film industry. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ritual practice in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals and groups to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion. cityshaman@aol.com/.
HELEN HYE-SOOK HWANG, PH.D. (Intro, 1, 11, 12)
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D. earned her MA and Ph.D. in Religion with emphasis on Feminist Studies from Claremont Graduate University, CA. Also studied for an MA degree in East Asian Studies at UCLA, CA. Having taught for universities in California and Missouri, U.S.A. and elsewhere, Hwang founded The Mago Work (Return to Mago E-Magazine, Mago Academy, and Mago Books as well as Gynapedia and Mago Pool Circle). Her edited books include two volumes of She Rises Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? (Mago Books 2015 and 2016). She authored The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia (Mago Books, 2015).
Patricia ‘Iolana, an ordained Pagan Minister and Interfaith Activist, holds a PhD in Literature, Theology and the Arts from the University of Glasgow. She specializes in personal experiences with Goddess, and approaches this from a psychodynamic methodology called Depth Thealogy. Her publications include: Literature of the Sacred Feminine: Great Mother Archetypes and the Re-emergence of the Goddess in Western Traditions (2009), Testing the Boundaries: Self, Faith, Interpretation, and Changing Trends in Religious Studies (2011), Goddess Thealogy: An International Journal for the Study of the Divine Feminine 1(1) (2011), She Rises Vol 2 (2016) and Goddess 2.0: Advancing A New Path Forward (2016).
JUDE LALLY (63, 88)
Number of proposals and their genres: 2 photo articles of art dolls and their folklore characters relating to the winter solstice. Jude Lally is an artist, radical doll maker and writer. She grew up a few miles from Loch Lomond on the West Coast of Scotland, receiving her MSC in Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde. She is currently living in Asheville, NC where she runs a program of workshops, retreats and online courses around Ancestral Soul Craft – exploring the tools of female shamanism, working with the Ancient Mothers and sacred creativity. She also offers women’s Shamanic Journeys to Scotland for further details and to sign up for free membership to her Celtic Soul Circle visit her website at www.celticsoulcraft.com/.
GLENYS LIVINGSTONE, PH.D. (8, 14, 40, 65, 69, 73, 79)
Glenys Livingstone Ph.D. has been on a Goddess path since 1979. She is the author of PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion, which fuses the indigenous traditions of Old Europe with scientific theory, feminism and a poetic relationship with place. Glenys is a contributor to Foremothers of the Women’s Sprituality Movement edited by Miriam Robbins Dexter and Vicki Noble (2015). She lives in the Blue Mountains Australia, where she has facilitated Seasonal ceremony for over two decades, taught classes, and mentored apprentices. In 2014, Glenys co-facilitated the Mago Pilgrimage to Korea with Dr. Helen Hwang. Glenys’s website is http://pagaian.org/.
HARITA MEENEE (4, 67, 82, 86)
Harita Meenee is a Greek independent scholar of classical studies and women’s history. Her graduate studies were in the field of archetypal and women’s psychology. She works as a writer, translator, and editor while also being a human rights activist. Harita has presented cultural TV programs and has lectured at universities in Greece and the US. She is the author of five books, as well as of numerous articles and essays published in Hellenic and international anthologies and magazines. Location: Athens, Greece, Blog: http://witchesandpagans.com/pagan-culture-blogs/mythic-wisdom.html, Email: author@hmeenee.com, FB: https://www.facebook.com/H.Meenee/.
DEBORAH JANE MILTON, PH.D. (13, 15, 24, 38, 60)
Deborah Jane Milton, PhD, entered the world an artist but circumstances prevented her embodying that until 1990-ish when she gathered her wits and rallied her forces so she’d have the courage to leave her psychotherapy practice for which she’d trained long and hard and eventually spend two months in solitude to transform herSelf and claim her identity as an artist along with being a Mother, a Grandmother and a fully fledged human being, who lives in awe of the miracle of life on this planet and is devoted to Making Artful Prayers as she inspires others to do the same.
Susan Morgaine is a Priestess and Daughter of the Goddess, a Reiki and Crystal Healer, who works extensively with the Chakras. She is a Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach/Facilitator through Imagine A Woman International founded by Patricia Lynn Reilly. Her writings can be found at her blog at ShaktiWarrior.wordpress.com. She is a featured columnist at paganpages.org. She can also be found on MotherhouseoftheGoddess.com. She has essays in The Girl God Anthologies, Whatever Works: Feminists of Faith Speak and Jesus, Mohammed and the Goddess. She has also been published in SageWoman and Jareeda magazines. She can be reached at ShaktiWarriorSpirit@gmail.com/.
ANDREA NICKI, PH.D. (36, 37)
Andrea Nicki grew up in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. She has a Ph.D. in feminist philosophy and two poetry books published. Her essays and poems have appeared in several North American publications. She currently resides in Vancouver, Canada with her dog and cat. She teaches graduate courses on business and workplace ethics in an MBA program as well as private writing classes. In recent years she has become more interested in dance, and does creative expressive dance and circle dance.
Lucy H. Pearce is the author of numerous life-changing non-fiction books for women, including her most recent, Burning Woman – an incendiary exploration of women and power – written for every woman who burns with passion, has been burned with shame, and in another time or place would be burned at the stake. Her other books include: The Rainbow Way: cultivating creativity in the midst of motherhood and Moon Time: harness the ever-changing energy of your menstrual cycle – both have been Amazon #1 bestsellers in their fields. Lucy’s work is dedicated to supporting women’s empowered, embodied expression through her writing, teaching and art. She lives in East Cork, Ireland, where she runs Womancraft Publishing – creating life-changing, paradigm-shifting books by women, for women. www.womancraftpublishing.com. She blogs on creativity at: www.dreamingaloud.net/.
LUCY PIERCE (29, 57)
Lucy is a mother, artist and writer living in the Yarra Valley, Australia. Her work is born of dream and myth, vision and dance, song and circle, motherhood and eroticism, grief and quest. It is seeded in the places within that long for healing and for wholeness, an apprenticeship to the soul, a serenade of love and deep gratitude to that which is sought within her longing. Her art tries to give form to what is on the edge of knowing within her, an offering from the dark shadows, a fumbling for the light, a wooing of the mytho-poetic river that is woven through her being, keening for a truth, yearning towards awakening.
DEANNE QUARRIE, D. MIN (54, 55, 61, 70, 71, 72, 83, 84, 85)
Deanne Quarrie. D. Min. is a Priestess of the Goddess, and author of five books. She is the founder of The Apple Branch where she mentors women who wish to serve as priestesses. There she teaches courses in Feminist Dianic Wicca, Druidism, the Ogham and Northern European Mysteries. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Ocean Seminary College. She is the founder of Global Goddess, a worldwide organization open to all women who honor some form of the divine feminine and publisher of The Oracle, and online magazine for Goddess Women.
SUDIE RAKUSIN (41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48)
I am a visual artist, sculptor, children’s book author of the Dear Savannah Blue series, and illustrator for established authors such as Mary Daly, Carolyn Gage and Patricia Monaghan. Being a feminist and animal activist, much of my artwork contains elements that move me: women, animals and the earth. I create environments that are lush, surreal, rich with color, texture and pattern. Many works contain sculpted papier-mâché features and beadwork, which push my 2-D work into a 3-D realm. I was born in D.C. and currently reside in Hillsborough, NC, in the woods with my dogs surrounded by my gardens. Hillsborough, NC, info@sudierakusin.com, www.sudierakusin.com/.
HEARTH MOON RISING (5, 6, 7, 64, 81)
Hearth Moon Rising is a Dianic Priestess and Priestess of Ishtar who writes about animals and the Goddess. She is the author of Invoking Animal Magic: A guide for the pagan priestess. She lives in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York and blogs at hearthmoonblog.com/.
AMINA RODRIGUEZ (16, 17, 18)
I’m a mother of three remarkable young adults who’ve inspired me to improve myself. I spend as much time as I can in nature, both my healer and comforter. I love taking nature pictures that call out to me, writing poetry and I’m writing a book about my journey within. I have a BA in Psychology but my most important education has come from trees. I have discovered Kai Chi Do and recently completed the Kai level training. I believe the process of growth and human evolution never ends and I’m so grateful to be sharing with the Mago Work.
Aphrodite Rose is an Initiated Priestess of the Goddess, she is a poet, writer, researcher, museum curator and collection manager. Aphrodite has studied anthropology, ancient studies including art, archaeology and mythology. Aphrodite holds a Master of Arts Degree in Cultural Heritage Studies and as such is also a Cultural Historian. Aphrodite is a Scribe in Service to Her. Aphrodite’s mission is to bring awareness to Herstory and not just history. She is committed to empowering women and men through Goddess spirituality and is also an advocate for animals. Aphrodite lives in Adelaide, South Australia and can be contacted by email: aphrose@hotmail.com/.
Angelika H. Rüdiger was born in 1966. She studied physics and chemistry and was awarded the title of Dr. rer. nat. by Braunschweig University of Technology in 1996. In 2006, now mother of three daughters, she changed from research into teaching physics and chemistry. In 2010 she took up studies in Welsh at Bangor University (Gwynedd). In 2012 she was awarded the title of ‘Master of Arts’ in Welsh literature and language and currently continues her research in Welsh folklore and literature as PhD student at Bangor University.
MARY SARACINO (56, 58, 59)
Mary Saracino is a novelist, poet, and memoir writer who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her most recent novel is Heretics: A Love Story (Pearlsong Press 2014). Her novel, The Singing of Swans (Pearlsong Press 2006) was a 2007 Lambda Literary Awards Finalist. Mary’s short story, “Vicky’s Secret,” earned the 2007 Glass Woman Prize. For more information: www.marysaracino.com/.
Laura Shannon has researched and taught traditional dances for over thirty years, and is considered to be one of the ‘grandmothers’ of the worldwide Sacred / Circle Dance movement. Through extensive field research and wide teaching experience, Laura has pioneered a new understanding of these dances, particularly women’s dances, as potent tools for inner development. With degrees in Intercultural Studies and Dance Movement Therapy, Laura teaches in more than twenty countries, and her articles have been published in many languages. When not travelling, Laura divides her time between the Findhorn eco-spiritual community in Scotland and a small village in Greece.
Judith Shaw, a New Orleans native and graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, has always been interested in myth, culture and mysticism. Her work, inspired by the goddess, nature and sacred geometry, combines whimsy and the esoteric. While living in Greece, the Goddess first appeared in her artwork. The Goddess, in all of Her manifestations, continues to inspire Shaw. She now lives in Albuquerque where she divides her time between painting, writing, yoga, gardening, bee keeping, and friends and family. Her deck of Celtic Goddess cards will be published soon. View Shaw’s work on her website, http://judithshawart.com/.
My life purpose is creating deeper awareness. This is what motivates me and is the thread that weaves through my artwork, writing, activism, organic farming, advocating for local food production, founding groups and organizations (such as Farmers’ Markets and a women’s time-barter group), and living as lightly and as sustainably as I can on the earth. Nature in all her splendor has always been an inspiration to me… both in my personal life and in my artwork. I live on beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Anna Tzanova, M.A. is an art historian and researcher, artist, kundalini yoga teacher, nutritional consultant, activity therapist, intuitive healer, workshop facilitator, lifetime student, Mago Academy’s scholar, mother of two, and a strong believer in the universe’s natural gynocentric order. She loves sharing her wealth of knowledge and inspiration assisting people achieve vibrant health through movement, meditation, breath, mantra, and nutrition, incorporating ancient technologies with the latest in scientific research. Anna is passionate about Korean culture in all its facets, and history. Through her work she aspires to be able to introduce and popularize Korean people’s wisdom, tradition, and creations to the rest of the world.
Jassy, is an Australian contemporary artist whose paintings give voice to women and the earth. They serve as reminders of an ancient sacred connection between humans and nature. Her images have been featured in numerous exhibitions and published in international journals, magazines, blogs and books. As an advocate for women in art, Jassy founded a grass-roots not-for- profit community organization, WWHAG – Wide Bay Women’s Healing Arts Guild. Jassy guides women and girls on sacred creative journeys designed to inspire, transform and awaken creative self and deepen connections to the earth. Jassy also leads international creative retreats to destinations including Greece and Bali.
SARA WRIGHT (9, 10, 35, 78)
Sara is a naturalist, a feminist, and a writer who presently lives in the western mountains of Maine. She has published articles in Return to Mago E-Magazine, Dark Matter: Women Witnessing and Trivia: Voices of Feminism. Sara also writes a regular nature column called Backyard Reflections for the Bethel Citizen. Sara has Passamaquoddy Indian roots that may or may not be the reason she advocates for all of nature through her writing.