We have had a wonderful night in Stockholm celebrating the Release of GHMC (Goddesses in Myth, History and Culture), 25 people participated. I have only this one photo, where Märta-Lena Bergstedt (sitting) and I (standing) figure (I guess our attention was elsewhere that night). And by now also all the 40 people have received their books, in both Denmark and Sweden. People have been enthusiastic about the whole book. The Library of Stockholm City has now acquired it, as have other libraries, inclusive University Libraries. At the Department of Archaeology in Stockholm/Södertörn, they/we will shortly have a seminar on the book. So, I hope the book is selling well, and also that universities at other sites in Scandinavia /University Libraries have ordered the book from you by now, too.
Find details about Goddesses in Myth, Hisotry and Culture here.
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