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Thus far, Mago Almanac is published only for those in the Northern Hemisphere. For Southerners, please refer to the following charts for your information (moons and 24 seasonal marks are left for you to mark) until the Southern Hemisphere version is created.
Year 1 Mago Almanac
Year 2 Mago Almanac
Year 3 Mago Almanac
Year 4 Mago Almanac
Year 5 Mago Almanac
Mago Almanac Dates for the First of 13 months with their Gregorian Dates for the two Large Calendars (8 years)
See below for details.

Title Mago Almanac Planner for Personal Journey: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book B) Volume 4, Year 4 or 5918 MAGOMA ERA (Equivalent to 2021 CE)
Author Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Publication November 5, 2020 by Mago Books
B/W Print Book: US$24.00 (Buy Now)
- ISBN-10 1517371759
- ISBN-13 978-1517371753
- Paperback 210 pages
- Dimensions 6 x 0.53 x 9 inches
- Language English
Description The Mago Almanac Planner for Personal Journey enchants people and our societies to live with a sense of the natural timespace patterned by the luni-menstrual rhythm in company with the earth’s song and dance. This is not a statement of poetic fancy unsupported by science or mathematics. We are invited to walk through the matrix of Sonic Numerology, the organizing force of Life. The 13 month 28 day Magoist Calendar returns calendric regularity to us. Calendric regularity is the very vision that unfolds the metamorphic reality of WE/HERE/NOW. Unlike the 12 month irregular day calendar that modifies the natural rhythm to serve the purpose of controlling people, the Magoist Calendar guides human activities within the natural rhythm to harmonize the human world with the natural world. The Mago Almanac Planner is built to provide flesh to the bones of the Mago Almanac. Taking the latter as foundation, Mago Almanac Planner partitions a year into the units of weeks and days. The regularity of 28 days makes it possible to lay out 52 weeks and 364 days with one or two extra days seamlessly. The rhythm of nine numbers becomes transparent. Each day of a year is named accumulatively in order i.e. the first to 364th. Likewise, each week of a year is named accumulatively in order i.e. Week 1 to Week 52. Each day is given the daily number, the moon phase, and/or 24 Seasonal Marks. Special days include such double dates as New Year (1st Moon 1st Day), double second (2nd Moon 2nd Day), double third (3rd Moon 3rd Day), and so forth. Three Appendixes provide (1) a traditional style of one year calendar, (2) Year 4’s 364 Days (52 Weeks) with 2 Extra Days and their Gregorian Dates or the conversion chart, (3) Large Calendar 1 (Years 1-4) marked in Gregorian C. Dates, and (4) Year 4 Lunar-Menstrual Chart in which one can add their menstrual dates in relation to the moon phases and seasonal marks. As a whole, the Mago Almanac Planner is designed to personalize one’s own celebratory or commemorative days in tune with nature’s rhythm.

Title Mago Almanac Planner: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book B) Volume 4, Year 4 or 5918 MAGOMA ERA (Equivalent to 2021 CE)
Author Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Publication November 5, 2020 by Mago Books
BW Print Book: US$18.00 (Buy Now)
- ISBN-13 : 979-8677767456
- Dimensions : 6 x 0.23 x 9 inches
- Language: : English
Description Volume 4 is published to mark Year 4 (5918 Magoma Era, equivalent to the Gregorian year 2021). This almanac functions as a handbook for us moderns to enter an archaically new way of understanding time/space, the inter-cosmic time, operating in the Magoist Calendar. We are about to pass a threshold and walk into the (M)otherworld. The Magoist Calendar, the book of the Creatrix, summons the Reality of the Creatrix, WE/HERE/NOW, the ultimate destination of human intelligence/spirituality. The Mago Almanac awakens her user to the last reserved revolutionary call in our time, to dismantle the patriarchal calendar and return it to its sender, godfathers. Disassembling the engine of patriarchy, the Magoist Calendar leads its captives to the Mother Time wherein all beings are found kindred. Ultimately, the Mago Almanac is a roadmap to our reunion with the Mother Creator. This booklet not only introduces the germs and seeds of the Magoist Calendar but also provides the reader with necessary calendric translations. In order to access the seemingly defunct the 28 day/13 month gynocentric calendar, we need to rely on the languages of such 12 months (read patriarchal) calendars as the Gregorian Calendar and the Sinocentric lunisolar calendar with which we moderns are familiar. Through this almanac, we will be versed in both calendars, the 12 months and the 13 months, and measure them in tandem to see which one is rhythmic, which one is nature-based, and which one lifts us up to stay connected with all other beings. This booklet has three parts: Part I includes 5 charts of 13 month/28 day calendar basics, Part II includes the actual workbook of 13 months with Gregorian dates translations accompanied by Mary Daly quotes from Wickedary, and Part III includes author’s research on the Magoist Calendar based on the Budoji (Epic of the Emblem Capital City), primary text of Magoism. Book B (Year 3 and Year 4) stands for the year of 2020 in the Gregorian Calendar (from December 17, 2019 till December 15, 2020) and the year of 2019 in the Gregorian Calendar (from December 16, 2019 till December 16, 2021). Year 3 (5917 ME) begins on December 17, 2019, the one intercalary day that comes on the day before the New Year’s Day. Its New Year’s day on December 18, 2020 marks the new moon day in the first month of the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Year 4 (5918 ME) is the same as Year 3 with some exceptions. It begins with the one intercalary day of December 16, 2018. Its New Year’s day is December 17, 2020. However, it won’t be the new moon day since the moon’s phases are not exactly the same as the moon’s motions for the coming years. Year 4, unlike Year 3, has the second extra day before the first day of the 7th month. For this reason and the Gregorian Calendar’s irregular intermittent dates, Mago Almanac plans to publish its yearly booklet. All booklets include Moon Phases in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). The cycle of moon phases (the synodic period of about 29.5 days) runs on its own path in the Magoist Calendar is based on the moon’s motions (the sidereal period of about 27.3 days). Also this almanac includes 24 Seasonal Marks in the Korea Time Zone. Among these 24 seasons demarcated based on the solar calendar are such eight seasonal marks as Yule, Imbolc, Vernal Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumnal Equinox, and Winter Solstice, whose hours vary according to the viewer location.

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