[Free Download] Mago Almanac Circular Calendar Year 6 (2023)
Title Mago Almanac Planner for Personal Journey: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Volume 6), Year 6 or 5920 MAGOMA ERA (Equivalent to 2023 CE)
Author Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Publication October 31, 2022 by Mago Books Pre-order available
B/W Print Book: US$24.00 (Buy Now)
- ISBN 9798358839052
- Paperback 214 pages
- Dimensions 6 x 0.53 x 9 inches
- Language English
Description Mago Almanac Planner for Personal Journey enchants people and our societies to live with a sense of the natural timespace patterned by the luni-solar-menstrual rhythm in company with the earth’s song and dance. This is not a statement of poetic fancy unsupported by science or mathematics. We are invited to walk through the matrix of Sonic Numerology, the organizing force of Life. Mago Almanac: 13 month 28 day Magoist Calendar brings back calendric regularity to moderns. Calendric regularity is the very vision that unfolds the metamorphic reality of WE/HERE/NOW. Unlike the 12 month irregular day calendar that modifies the natural rhythm to serve a particular artificial purpose, the Magoist Calendar guides human activities within the natural rhythm to harmonize the human world with the natural world. Mago Almanac Planner is built to provide flesh to the bones of the Mago Almanac. As an extension of the latter, Mago Almanac Planner partitions a year into the units of weeks and days and provides room for personal stories. The regularity of 28 days makes it possible to lay out 52 weeks and 364 days with one or two extra days seamlessly. The rhythm of nine numbers becomes transparent. Each day of a year is named accumulatively in order i.e. the 1st to 364th. Likewise, each week of a year is named accumulatively in order i.e. Week 1 to Week 52. Each day is indicated for the day’s number, the moon phase, and/or 24 Seasonal Marks. Special days include such double dates as New Year (1st Moon 1st Day), double second (2nd Moon 2nd Day), double third (3rd Moon 3rd Day), and so forth. The Mago Almanac Planner makes it explicit the Double Ninth (9th Moon 9th day) overlaps, the 16th mark of 24 Seasonal Marks, Ipchu (立秋 Entering Fall) or Lammas in the Northern Hemisphere. It illustrates that the day of Double Ninth is indeed the center point of a year! Also the interval of 24 Seasonal Marks is about every 15 days, whereas that of 8 Seasonal Marks is about every 45 days. The four Appendixes include one year calendar, 364 Days (52 Weeks) with Extra Day(s),Large Calendars (4 years as 1 Large Calendar) marked in Gregorian Calendar Dates, and Year 5 Lunar-Menstrual Chart in which one can add their menstrual dates in relation to the moon phases and seasonal marks. As a whole, the Mago Almanac Planner is designed to personalize one’s own celebratory or commemorative stories in tune with nature’s rhythm.
Table of Contents
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
AppendiX IV

“If we are ever to reverse patriarchal thought, we must reach to the roots of our oppressors. Until reading Hwang’s Mago Almanac, I had never given much thought to the patriarchal calendar — even tough I have produced one for 5 years — aside from my growing annoyance of trying to incorporate the moon phases into a more “traditional” calendar. I have come to realize the idiocy of trying to incorporate liberation for women into a completely patriarchal idea. For this reason, I will stop producing my Girl God calendar, and direct others toward the Mago Calendar. As Audre Lorde wrote, “the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” We need that house dismantled, yesterday! Let our calendars and other intentions echo that thought. Our Calendars shape our days and our very lives. Let us begin the process of weeding out every single thing that blinds us to our power and path to liberation. Trista Hendren, author of The Girl God Series.”
“Have you ever felt out-of-sync with the universe and out-of-touch with your body? You’re not alone. For millennia, most humans have been squeezing our activities and squashing our bodies into time slots that work against us, not for us. With Mago Almanac, Helen Hye-Sook Hwang takes a giant step toward remedying that nearly universal human situation.” Harriet Ann Ellenberger, poet and co-founder of Sinister Wisdom.
“This work by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang is a unique and potent contribution to unfolding the profound significance of gynocentric calendar, that is, a calendar that is aligned to natural and cosmic and female cycles. The aligning of the small self and also the communal self to Larger Self, is to tune all these layers of being to a cosmic harmony; it is to place one’s self in real time and space. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang radically articulates the vain nature of patriarchal calendar, and its interlock with patriarchal thought and rule. Through interpretations of the Budoji, an ancient gynocentric text, she lays the foundation for real action to shift minds, and gives perspective on how Gregorian and patriarchal calendars erase the essentially maternal/female basis for the measure of time, simultaneously erasing Her from consciousness. To re-place ourselves in the Mother’s Time is to listen again to the deep truth of being, and enable transformation. This book sows a seed for awakening to that re-placement in everyday time.” Glenys Livingstone, Ph.D. Author of PaGaian Cosmology.
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