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S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies Volume 1 Number 1 (2022) Published by Mago Books Date: October 31, 2022. Originally published online on February 4, 2022 ISBN: 9798360914570 (S/HE Online Journal ISSN: 2693-9363) Paperback: 195 pages Book size: 6×9 inches Table of Contents “Editor’s Introduction” by Krista Rodin “The Sacred Music of the Sistrum and Frame Drum: Percussion Instruments in the Worship of Goddesses from Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome” by Francesca Tronetti “A Scottish Goddess: An Introduction to the Evidence” by Stuart McHardy “Holy Spirit Mother and Intersex Jesus: Turning Point Nicene Creed” by Ally Kateusz “Kali Ma & Kundalini: Serpent Goddess Rising” by Tanya Lynne Brittain “Goddesses in Every Girl? Goddess Feminism and Children’s Literature” by Mary Ann Beavis INVITED ESSAY “The Sacred Music of the Sistrum and Frame Drum: Percussion Instruments in the Worship of Goddesses from Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome” by Francesca Tronetti “A Scottish Goddess: An Introduction to the Evidence” by Stuart McHardy “Holy Spirit Mother and Intersex Jesus: Turning Point Nicene Creed” by Ally Kateusz “Kali Ma & Kundalini: Serpent Goddess Rising” by Tanya Lynne Brittain “Goddesses in Every Girl? Goddess Feminism and Children’s Literature” by Mary Ann Beavis INVITED ESSAY “Reinstating Matriversal Motherhood: A Study of Dandong Siphun (Ten Instructions for Dan Children), the Magoist Pretoddler Childrearing Custom of Traditional Korea” by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang BOOK REVIEWS Raven Grimassi, What We Knew in the Night: Reawakening the Heart of Witchcraft (Newburyport, MA: Weiser Books, 2019), reviewed by Francesca Tronetti Nané Jordan and Chandra Alexandre eds., Pagan, Goddess, Mother (Bradford, ON: Demeter Press, 2021), reviewed by Barbara Bickel CONTRIBUTORS SUBSCRIPTION AND SUBMITTING TO S/HE
Mission Statement
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies is a web-based, peer-reviewed international scholarly journal committed to the academic exploration, analysis and interpretation, from a range of disciplinary perspectives, of Goddesses and the Female Divine in all religions, traditions, and cultures, to be ancient, historical, or contemporary. The journal is a multi-disciplinary forum for the publication of feminist scholarship in Goddess Studies and for discussion, comparison, and dialogue among scholars of differing feminist perspectives.
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