This anthology is the second book of the Celebrating the Goddess series. See the Volume 1, Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess here.
Title Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess
Possibly two books The main book BW Paperback (essays and fictions) and a sectional booklet Color Paperback (a section of art, poetry, and prose from the main book)
Co-editors Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D. and Helen Benigni, Ph.D.
Mago Books
Publication November 2023
ISBN 9798393612849
Total Page no 307
Size 6×9
Main Book BW Paperback: $28.00
Sectional Booklet Color Paperback: $24.00

What is the Sectional Booklet? Subtitled as The Chorus in Poetry, Art, Prose and Art Essays, it includes Sections 2 and 3 of the Main Book. Upon purchase, a free PDF copy of the Main Book will be given for free of charge for your reference.
Sectional Booklet
Total Page no 144
Size 6×9
Description This anthology, Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess, is prepared as a sequence to Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess (Mago Books, 2017). As suggested in the title, she jumps off from her older sister book to the territory untrodden. Our contributors individually and collectively take an audacious action to voice the conviction that we all are interconnected on a cosmic level. We mean not only interspecial kinship but also unity with intercosmic entities including constellations and deities. When the statement, “We are One,” is captured as WE/HERE/NOW, our language becomes soteriological. Seeking intercosmic kinship is salvific, not only to women and men but also to ALL in the matriverse (maternally perceived universe). Our goal is not just being awakened but staying awakened to the Oneness of ALL in the matriverse. We hope our readers experience the power of speaking truth (removing illusions) embodied in the essays, poems, fictions, photographic works, artworks, and art essays of this volume.
Table of Contents (see the beginning pages below in E-Book)
This book is structured as four sections:
Section One: Understanding Intercosmic Kinship
Section Two: Seeing with Inner Eyes
Section Three: As Above, So Below
Section Four: Consolidating Matriversal Kinship
Sections (One and Four) board thematic essays. Section Two has a collection of poetry and artworks. And Section Three includes art essays, fictions, and short essays. These two sections in the middle stand a sectional booklet to be published in color, which is distinguished from the main book.
More than an anthology or a collaboration, Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess is a collective project that addresses the most pressing concerns of our time, aiming to restore the kinship between all living things—including the cosmos—by a return to consciousness of the connection between cosmic and earthy patterns as expressed by the archetype of the Goddess—the Matriverse. The contents draw not only from the academic and experiential resources of the authors, but also from their creative and spiritual souls, giving birth to a volume that is both intellectually challenging and poetically inspired–a feast for the mind, the eyes, and the spirit. – Mary Ann Beavis, Professor Emerita of Religion and Culture, St. Thomas More College
This anthology is nothing less than a jewel in the lotus, a deep-delving, soul-tingling collection of amazing art, uplifting accounts of the censored, belittled, and erased wisdom traditions that brave women are now bringing back. Thanks to the book’s varied, rigorous, artistic, creative, intellectual, and academic contributions, we may all shape-shift, thanks to the recovery of original instructions, meant to heal the world from dominator culture. I loved it! – Dr. Kaarina Kailo, fellow, the Archeomythological Institute, Scholar of Bear and Sauna mythology, Finland
Meet Co-Editors
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University)
Dr. Hwang is the researcher, writer, publisher, and advocate of Magoist Cetaceanism, the matriversal consciousness of cetacean veneration embodied in the socio-historical-cultural expressions of traditional Korea and beyond. After earning her MA and Ph.D. in Religion with emphasis on Feminist Studies from Claremont Graduate University, CA., she pursued M.A. degree at UCLA, CA. She has been the (co-)founder and director of The Mago Work whose branches includes Return to Mago E-Magazine (, Mago Academy (, Mago Books ( and S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies since 2012. Hwang’s authored and co-edited books and periodicals include Goddesses in Myth, History and Culture (Mago Books, 2018), Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar series, The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia (Mago Books, 2015), She Rises trilogy, Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess (Mago Books, 2017), She Summons Volume 1 (Mago Books, 2021), and The Budoji Workbook series.

Helen Benigni (Ph.D. Indiana University of Pennsylvania) is a published author and a Full Professor in English at Davis and Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia. For several decades, Helen has been teaching classes in Comparative Mythology with an emphasis on Goddess studies. Her books, The Myth of the Year (University Press of America, 2003; republished by Mago Books, 2023)The Goddess and the Bull (University Press of America, 2007), and The Mythology of Venus (University Press of America, 2013) incorporate the research findings of archeoastronomers to determine the myths associated with the cycles found on the ancient calendars of the Greeks and the Celts. Identifying the goddesses of the matri-local cultures of the ancients with the seasons represented by the lunar, solar and stellar bodies has been a major endeavor in the study of archetypes, with an emphasis on the feminine archetypes of the celestial realms. Helen’s research with the Hellenic Studies Center in Washington D.C., her many trips to ancient sites, and her collaborative efforts with scholars in mythology, astronomy, archeology, and art have led to her discovery of the presence of the Goddess in the night sky and the continued renewal of the Goddess in contemporary times.
Beginning Pages
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