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The Mago Work is predominantly a volunteer-based work. Donations of any amount are very welcome to support running costs such as internet, office space etc. If you can afford to donate on a one-off or monthly basis, please use the Donate button on this page. All contributions are gratefully received and are used to support bringing the Mago Work into the world.
Mago Books is committed to the cause of Goddess feminist activism/Magoism as a way of restoring the power of self-healing/awakening/redeeming in women and all beings in WE.
Mago Books publishes books and multimedia that promote the consciousness of the Great Goddess Mago and re-store the primordial connection among peoples and species. Forthcoming books include Dr. Helen Hwang’s trilogy on Mago, the Great Goddess.
Mago Books is an indie publisher founded to support its sister non-profit branches of The Mago Work, including S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies, Mago Academy, Return to Mago E-Magazine, all of which are created and operated by the principle of Maternal Gift Economy.
Mago Books publication address: 785 Melody Ln, Lytle Creek California 92358, USA.
Contact email: mago9books@gmail.com
Publisher and Co-creator: Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Co-creator: Mary Ann Beavis, Ph.D.
Publishing Office Manager and Copy-editor Representative: Mr. Matthew Kim Hagen (mkimhagen@gmail.com)
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Primary-Creator, Publisher and Copy-editor
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University), the co-founder of The Mago Work, is scholar, activist, and advocate of Magoism, the Way of the Great Mother. She earned her MA and Ph.D. in Religion with emphasis on Feminist Studies from Claremont Graduate University, CA. She also studied toward an MA degree in East Asian Studies at UCLA, CA. Hwang has taught for universities in California and Missouri, U.S.A. Since 2012, Dr. Hwang has founded and directed The Mago Work whose branches include the Return to Mago E-Magazine (http://magoism.net), Mago Academy (http://magoacademy.org), and Mago Books (https://www.magobooks.com). She also co-founded Gynapedia (https://gynapedia.magoacademy.org) and Mago Pool Circle (https://mpc.magoacademy.org) to broaden The Mago Work. She co-edited and published the She Rises trilogy series (2015, 2016, and 2019) as well as Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess (Mago Books, 2017). Also authored The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia (Mago Books, 2015), Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar annually since 2018, and The Budoji Workbook series since 2020.
Mary Ann Beavis, Ph.D.
Advisor and Copy-editor
Mary Ann Beavis (Ph.D., Cambridge University) is Professor Emerita of Religion and Culture at St. Thomas More College, the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada). Her areas of specialization include Christian Origins, Feminist Biblical Interpretation, and Women and Religion. The courses she teaches include “Goddesses in Myth and History,” and her current research project, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, is a study of women who blend Goddess Spirituality and Christianity. Her books include Mark’s Audience, Jesus and Utopia, Mark (Paideia Commentaries), and Hebrews (Wisdom Commentaries), and two edited volumes, The Lost Coin: Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom, and Feminist Theology with a Canadian Accent. She is the author of many peer-reviewed articles, five of which reflect her current interest in the Mary Magdalene/Mary of Bethany tradition.

Helen Benigni, Ph.D.
Co-Editor and Copy-editor
Helen Benigni (Ph.D. Indiana University of Pennsylvania) is a published author and a Full Professor in English at Davis and Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia. For several decades, Helen has been teaching classes in Comparative Mythology with an emphasis on Goddess studies. Her books, The Myth of the Year (University Press of America, 2003), The Goddess and the Bull (University Press of America, 2007), and The Mythology of Venus (University Press of America, 2013) incorporate the research findings of archeoastronomers to determine the myths associated with the cycles found on the ancient calendars of the Greeks and the Celts. Identifying the goddesses of the matri-local cultures of the ancients with the seasons represented by the lunar, solar and stellar bodies has been a major endeavor in the study of archetypes, with an emphasis on the feminine archetypes of the celestial realms. Helen’s research with the Hellenic Studies Center in Washington D.C., her many trips to ancient sites, and her collaborative efforts with scholars in mythology, astronomy, archeology, and art have led to her discovery of the presence of the Goddess in the night sky and the continued renewal of the Goddess in contemporary times.
Matthew Kim Hagen
Publishing Office Manage and Copy-editor Representative
Mr. Hagen has served as copy-editor for Mago Books since 2015. His meticulous proofreading and acute editorial suggestions prove invaluable for Mago Books publications. His specialty was in the 19th century English Literature and interdisciplinary works. Hagen earned M.A. in English Literature from Claremont Graduate University and almost completed his Ph.D. requirements in English Literature. He has taught English literature and English composition for several universities in Southern California including University of La Verne and Chaffey College for the last two decades.
Kaalii Cargill
Circle of Editorial Collectives
Kaalii Cargill, author of DON’T TAKE IT LYING DOWN: LIFE ACCORDING TO THE GODDESS, lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. She has been involved in women’s consciousness raising groups, home birth, attachment parenting, home and parent-run schooling, and she co-developed Soul Centred Psychotherapy, a therapeutic modality based on the feminine principle. Kaalii has worked extensively in sacred ritual space and currently runs ongoing dream groups. Kaalii inherits a sense of mystery from Calabrese, ‘strega’ grandmothers and a healthy resistance to enculturation from her Romany ancestors. Kaalii’s latest novel, DAUGHTERS OF TIME, is interwoven with archaeological, historical, and mythological details that reveal the ancient world. It follows a line of daughters through ancient Sumer, Egypt, and Jerusalem, and into the modern world, as they carry the memory of the Goddess through time and across continents to the present day where three women come together to save the world from environmental catastrophe. For more, see here.
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