Mago Books publishes the S/HE journal in two formats, the online and the paperback. S/HE Paperback and S/HE Online are two different formats of the same journal issue (same table of contents and same page numbers).
Go to S/HE Online for the online.
Go to S/HE Paperback for the printed book.
Mission Statement
S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies is a web-based, peer-reviewed international scholarly journal committed to the academic exploration, analysis and interpretation, from a range of disciplinary perspectives, of Goddesses and the Female Divine in all religions, traditions, and cultures, to be ancient, historical, or contemporary. The journal is a multi-disciplinary forum for the publication of feminist scholarship in Goddess Studies and for discussion, comparison, and dialogue among scholars of differing feminist perspectives.
Editorial and Author’s Guidelines
Subscription & Donation Guidelines
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