(Free E-books) In Celebration of the 9th Anniversary of the She Rises Volume 1, Mago Books shares E-books of all three volumes of She Rises trilogy with the public for free of charge.
(Volume 1) She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality?
(Volume 2) She Rises: How… Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality?
(Volume 3) She Rises: What… Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality?
She Rises: What… Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality? Volume 3
(See She Rises Volume 1 and She Rises Volume 2)
Editors Deanne Quarrie, D.Min., Christine Courtade Hirsch, Ph.D., Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Publication Date August 15, 2019
Main Book PDF Download [purchase_link id=”4081″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=””]
Sectional Booklet PDF Download [purchase_link id=”4085″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=””]
Color Main Book
B/W Main Book
Color Sectional Booklet (contains the Mother Two part from the main book)
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Description She Rises: What… Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality? is the third volume in the She Rises trilogy after She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality? Volume 1 (2015) and She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality? Volume 2 (2016). The present volume continues on the path prepared by the two earlier volumes and takes the Goddess feminist activist movement to a new horizon. Creativity and connectivity are the hallmarks of this volume. Our 59 authors have tailored the question, What… Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality? to convey their insights and to address the importance and urgency of Goddess feminist activism amidst the current crises on the global context that affects all beings within the very eco-system. We in this volume collectively embrace a capacity of connectivity with other sisters and brothers across borders. Our message is that Goddess feminist activists are healing, nurturing and transforming ourselves and the world. We are born stronger. We are ever more grounded, committed, daring, creative, and fiercely focused. We are the trees that are crisscrossed at the root! This book presents a loom that interweaves colorful tapestries of insights, experiences, visions, research articles, poems, artworks, rituals, plays and creative activities across disciplinary boundaries. Our readers may sense a phenomenon through this book.
She Rises: How Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 2
(Sister Book of She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 1)
Editors Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Mary Ann Beavis & Nicole Shaw
Project committee Trista Hendren and Rosemary Mattingley
Publication Date June Solstice, 2016
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Color Sectional Booklet (contains the Mother Two part from the main book)
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Full Color on White paper
460 pages
ISBN-10: 1533484597
BISAC: Body, Mind & Spirit / General
Description She Rises: How Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? is a proud sister book to She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Inheriting the legacy of Volume 1, this book continues to interweave the warp (the theme of the book) and the weft (our stories). What we present in this book is a tapestry collectively interwoven by the twenty-first century Goddessians/Magoists. As many as ninety-six contributors from around the world have provided captivating motifs in prose, poetry, research, and/or art. This tapestry is no ordinary one; it stands as the genome map of the primordial consciousness of WE in S/HE to those who encounter it. It charts out ways to undo patriarchal programs at personal, cultural, and cosmic levels and to enter the Way of the Primordial Mother, or the Creatrix. She Rises Volume 2 distinguishes herself from her predecessor in several ways. Most apparently, the warp, the “how” question, that is, “How one is committed to Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality?” summons us, our authors and readers, to put in action our answers provided to the “why” question, “Why one is committed to Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality?” in the previous volume. And the weft, our stories, consolidates our roots in the inseparable one ground of feminism, activism, and spirituality of the Primordial Mother. The horizon is widened with new markings. Voices are emboldened, exposing the hidden patriarchal ruses. And our images whisper deep awakenings. This book works at multi-levels. Structured as Nine Sisters (Chapters) under Three Mothers (Parts), like her predecessor, this book takes on another layer of meaning that it restores the Nine Goddess/Mago Movement in our time. Experience our book that awakens minds, provides sanctuaries, heals wounds, cures diseases, crosses borders, and connects the isolated. Fully charged with fresh insights, e-motions, and aspirations, it sends out the metamorphic power of Goddessians/Magoists.
She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 1
(Sister Book of She Rises: How Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Volume 2)
Editors Helen Hye-Sook Hwang and Kaalii Cargill
Project Committee Trista Hendren and Wennifer Lin
Publication Date June Solstice, 2015
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Or buy them at Mago Bookstore!
- Paperback:476 pages
- Publisher: Mago Books (June 21, 2015)
- Language:English
- ISBN-10:1514257696
- ISBN-13:978-1514257692
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.1 x 9 inches
- Shipping Weight:8 pounds
- Anthology: 92 Contributors
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See Press Kit and She Rises Vol 1 Book Reivews.
Description This book may be seen as a guidebook to the consciousness of the Great Goddess, the primordial consciousness of WE in S/HE, by contemporary Goddessians. The question, “Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality?” taken as the warp, is interwoven with the weft of the answers provided by 92 contributors from around the world. She Rises puts forth ever-unfolding patterns of Goddessian thoughts, experiences, and visions expressed through a variety of works including short writings, poems, essays, artworks, and research papers. Our authors take us far and near, from the cosmic horizon to the very political site of one’s inner feeling. Probing the very foundation of one’s thinking/feeling/sensing, She Rises collectively re-members and re-stores what has been forgotten or rather erased in the mind of people under the advancement of patriarchal times. The acoustic/semantic/visual chorus of this book sometimes whispers and other times trumpets the premise that knowing the Goddess is a beginning of one’s action to re-create the self and the world. More to the structure, She Rises taps into the gynocentric power of the numeric symbolism of three and nine by (1) calling Parts as Mothers and Chapters as Sisters and (2) inventing the Nine Sisters under the Three Mothers.

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